
Welcome to Songbirds by Amanda Baker - providing professional vocal and performance training to Songbirds of all ages. Located in Mckinney, Texas, I offer private voice lessons in person and online.  With 30 years experience as a professional singer/actor, I am excited to be celebrating nine years of private vocal training at Cottonwood Creek Fine Arts School and in my home vocal studio. I grew up in this unique city, left to attend Belmont University in Nashville, TN, was blessed with worldwide performing opportunities, and returned a few years ago to raise my family. My experience comes from the road...from Bands to Broadway, I have developed a unique skill set I love sharing with my students. My passion is to help singers of all ages find and use their voice (in a healthy way) and not be ashamed or afraid to speak up and sing out! 


Amanda Baker


**AUGUST 1st, 2024 UPDATE**

Dear Songbird Families,

I can’t believe the summer is almost over. I trust you and your families had a wonderful and relaxing break. I traveled more than I have in a long time, so I appreciated your patience with my limited schedule. 

Songbirds Turns 8! 

On August 1st, 2016, I officially opened my home studio. As a single mom of two at the time, your support made it possible for me to support my children, and I am forever grateful.  Thank you for continuing to trust me with your children and their precious voices. A very special thank you to my adult students who continue to learn and grow, I love working with you! Looking back over the past 8 years we’ve shared so many wonderful milestones, and I know how truly blessed I am to have you all in my life. 

MISD Private Teacher:

I have some exciting news for those who want lessons during the day at school. I have been approved as a Private School Vocal Coach specializing in musical theatre and contemporary music for the Mckinney ISD.  Please let me know if you are interested in this option as I have to work with each director to figure out schedules. I’ve reached out to all of the High Schools and a few middle schools, but to stream line schedules, you may need to email the directors as well to get the ball rolling. If you’re not enrolled in MISD and interested in this option, let me know and I can see about doing the same process for Prosper, Allen, Frisco, etc. The lessons are $25 for 20-25 minutes , so if you still want a longer time we would probably need to resort to the after school time slot. 


 I know getting all the extracurriculars organized is always a tough thing to do. Dealing with my own children’s schedule I understand the need for flexibility, but also maintaining structure. I have cleared my fall times, so if there is a consistent time slot you know works for you, please let me know ASAP or go sign up on the website. The first month of August will be a work in progress of minor adjustments as more schedules come out. The 3:00 - 6:00 time slots will be reserved for my consistent weekly students. If you’re wanting to do drop in or do twice a month lessons, those will need to be scheduled after 6:00pm Monday - Thursday, or on Fridays and Saturdays. If my weekly 3-6 time slots are not filled, then I’ll open them up to drop in and every other week students. Due to the limited time slots after school, I need to prioritize my weekly students, so thanks for understanding. 


For my consistent students, my rates will stay the same, $55 for 45 minutes. My drop in rate will increase $5.  I will also begin enforcing my 24 hour cancelation policy starting August 1st. I understand things come up, especially sickness, so I’ll offer a make up time on Fridays or when I have availability. Each new school year comes with its new schedule challenges, so please reach out to me if you’re having a hard time finding a time slot that works for you. I will do my best to accommodate. I am currently updating my website, so I’ll have all the new information posted there. 

Mckinney’s Top Model:

I mentioned in my last email I’ve been chosen as a contestant for the McKinney Education Foundation’s Mckinney’s Top Model contest for their October 23rd event., Purses with a Purpose. The money raised for this cause supports the invaluable MEF college advisors dedicated to guiding MISD seniors through the critical college and post-secondary education application process. Thank you to those who’ve already donated! I want our next songbirds event to showcase all the amazing talent in MISD and surrounding areas and to help promote the MEF’s cause, so let me know if you want to participate in that event.  I’m still working out details and will let you know when I have more information. Here is the link again to donate: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/pwp2024/team/955102/

Again, I’m very grateful for you all and humbled for the opportunity to make music with your families. Please reach out with any questions and I’ll always do my best to accommodate. 


Amanda Baker Talley

Then he turned my sorrow into joy! He took away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy so that I might SING glad praises to the Lord instead of lying in silence in the grave. O Lord my God, I will keep on thanking you forever! Psalm 30:11-12